Last updated on August 20, 2022
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Germany
08/2018 to present
HFSP & EMBO postdoctoral fellow
Advisor: Director, Prof. Erin M. Schuman
Department of Synaptic Plasticity
Marine Biological Laboratory, University of Chicago, Woods Hole, USA
Trainee, Neurobiology
Cornell University, USA
08/2013 to 05/2018
Ph.D. in Chemistry (27/5/2018)
Thesis advisor: Professor William R. Dichtel
Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Nanjing University, China
09/2009 to 06/2013
B.Sc. in Chemistry
Thesis advisor: Professor Jin Zhu
School of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
Joachim Herz Stiftung Add-on Fellowship for Interdisciplinary Life Science 2019
Humboldt Research Fellowship from Alexander von Humboldt Foundation (declined) 2019
Human Frontier Science Program (HFSP) Cross-disciplinary Fellowship 2019
Marie Sklodowska-Curie Individual Fellowship Proposal: Seal of Excellence 2019
Alumni of Hertie Foundation’s Fellows & Friends Programme 2019
European Molecular Biology Organization (EMBO) long-term fellowship 2018
Helmsley Charitable Trust scholarship at the Marine Biological Laboratory 2018
Cornell University Graduate School Conference Travel Grants 2015 to 2017
Winner of The Art of Science image contest at Northwestern University 2017
RIKEN prize, Gordon Research Conference: Self-assembly & Supramolecular chemistry 2017
Poster winner of Cornell Center for Materials Research Symposium 2017
Winner of 2016 Cornell Center for Materials Research electron microscopy contest 2016
Top 3 English review paper of the 14th Forum of Science & Arts, Nanjing University 2013
Top 3 of TECO Green-tech Contest International Venue in Taiwan 2012
Air products scholarship 2012
Excellent Teaching Assistant of Freshman Seminar courses, Nanjing University 2012
Highest undergraduate departmental scholarship: Jiangwenruo Scholarship 2011
Chancellor’s Honor Roll in University of Mississippi 2010
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research, Frankfurt, Germany
08/2018 to present
EMBO & HFSP Postdoctoral Fellow
Advisor: Director, Prof. Erin Schuman, Department of Synaptic Plasticity
Marine Biological Laboratory, Woods Hole, USA
05/2018 to 07/2018
Trainee, Neurobiology course
Northwestern University, USA (due to group moving)
07/2016 to 05/2018
Predoctoral visiting scholar
Advisor: Prof. William Dichtel, Department of Chemistry
Cornell University, USA
08/2013 to 05/2018
Graduate research assistant
Advisor: Prof. William Dichtel, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Biology
Microstructure National Lab, China
12/2010 to 06/2013
Undergraduate research assistant at Microstructure National Lab, China
Advisor: Prof. Jin Zhu, Department of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering
University of Lausanne, Switzerland
06/2011 to 08/2011
Undergraduate visiting scholar
Advisor: Prof. Roman Chrast, Department of Medical Genetics
University of Mississippi, USA
07/2010 to 12/2010
Undergraduate visiting scholar
Advisor: Prof. Murrel Godfrey, Department of Chemistry
Max Planck Institute for Brain Research Teaching Lab
01/2019 to present
Teaching assistant
Goethe University Grade Brain Seminar & Workshop Series
Course instructor
Department of Synaptic Plasticity, Max Planck Institute for Brain Research
01/2019 to present
Supervisor of junior scholars and master students
Cornell University
08/2013 to 05/2015
Graduate teaching assistant, Department of chemistry and chemical biology
eLife Early-Career Advisory Group
04/2019 to 04/2020
MPI for Brain Research Postdoc Association
01/2019 to 01/2020
Elected postdoc representative
German Neuroscience Olympiad
01/2019 to 01/2020
Press leader, Frankfurt branch
Scientific American Chinese Edition
03/2017 to 05/2017
Intern contributing editor
Cornell University Graduate & Professional Student Center
07/2015 to 06/2016
Culture fellow & board member
Cornell Nano Scale Science & Technology Facility (CNF)
09/2015 to 05/2016
Outreach ambassador
Cornell University Academic Integrity Committee for Physical Sciences
09/2015 to 05/2016
Committee member
China R&D Center, Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
09/2012 to 03/2013
Gasification Dept. intern, China R&D Center, Air Products and Chemicals Inc.
Neuroscience school of advanced studies-learning & memory 2022
71st Lindau Nobel Laureate Meeting in chemistry 2022
Gordon research seminar & conference: single-molecule approaches to biology (Oral) 2022
Gordon research seminar & conference: synaptic transmission (Oral) 2022
Single-molecule biophysics meeting in Les Houches (Oral) 2022
The Brain Conference: RNA Mechanisms and Brain Disease 2021
EMBL Symposium: Seeing is Believing-Imaging the Molecular Processes of Life 2021
4th International Conference on Nanoscopy (ICON): The Prevalence and Specificity of Neuronal Local Protein Synthesis at Single-molecule Resolution (Oral) 2021
HFSP Annual Meeting: Local Protein Synthesis Maintains and Remodels Synaptic Proteomes (Oral) 2021
Global Young Scientists Summit (GYSS), Singapore (nominated by HFSP) 2021
Yale University SYNAPSES seminar at Kavli Institute for Neuroscience (Oral) 2021
‘Stars Shinning on The South Lake’ Elite Summit - World Young Scientists Forum; Jiaxing, China. 2018
American Chemical Society National Meeting: Division of Polymer Chemistry; Title: Adhesion Goniometry of Graphene; Washington DC, US. (Oral) 2017
American Chemical Society National Meeting: Division of Colloid and Surface Chemistry (Targeted Nanosystems for Therapeutic Applications); Title: Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma Membranes; Washington DC, US. (Oral) 2017
Cornell Centre For Materials Research Symposium; Title: Adhesion Goniometry of graphene; Ithaca, US 2017
Gordon Research Conference - Self-assembly & Supramolecular chemistry; Title: Graphene Goniometry; Les Diablerets, Switzerland. 2017
Gordon Research Conference - Biointerfaced Science; Title: Graphene Oxide Nanosheets Stimulate Ruffling and Shedding of Mammalian Cell Plasma Membranes; Les Diablerets, Switzerland 2016
American Chemical Society National Meeting: Division of colloid and surface chemistry; Title: Retaining the Activity of Enzymes and Fluorophores Attached to Graphene Oxide; Boston, US. (Oral) 2015
2nd National Science and Technology Activities Seminar of Chemistry Major Undergraduates by Ministry of Education, China; Title: Stable Knockdown of Ascorbic Acid Transporter SVCT2 in DRG Neurons by shRNA Strategy (Keynote presentation); Changsha, China. (Oral) 2012